Innovative aerosol
extinguishing systems
DSPA fire extinguishing systems for electrical cabinets and switchgears
Electrical cabinets, switchgear panels or transformer panels are used by many different industries and sectors. They all have one thing in common: the loss of an electrical cabinet or switchgear is devastating to each production process and a direct threat to your business continuity. It is therefore not a surprise that more and more companies decide to protect these cabinets and panels in the best way possible: from within the object itself with a DSPA extinguishing system.
A DSPA fire extinguishing system for switchgear panels or cabinets typically consists of a DSPA aerosol generators and a highly sophisticated fire detection and activation system (Nofiq FMD), assuring the customer to be notified in the most early developing phase of the fire, thus giving the customer the chance to prevent many unnecessary damages. For example, by detecting the CO increase inside a cabinet caused by a smoldering led light, the system will alert the owner who can change this part and prevent a fire to occur altogether. If a fire does develop, the DSPA generator will activate and quickly extinguish the fire. DSPA aerosol generators are highly effective, non-pressurized and environmental friendly.
Other advantages:
- Very easy to install
- Easily adaptable to your existing alarm system
- Does not deplete oxygen levels
- Does not cause over pressure
- Easy to maintain